Saturday, December 31, 2011


Photo By: Kimberly Millard
So, it's the last day of 2011...and truthfully it has been the hardest year of my entire life. A LOT has changed.  I went into this last year as a married man, but I will walk into this year single and proud.  It honestly was the most painful year of my life, but I am thankful to have experienced what I did.  It has always been said, "It is better to love, than to never have loved at all" & "What doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger."  This is exactly how I feel.  I give 100% of my heart in all I do.  The divorce though, almost killed me. I wish that heartache upon no human being.  I picked up old smoking habits, drinking, and drugs just to numb my broken spirit; I had pretty much lost almost all hope...but then I remembered:  

I am a child of God, a God who loves me, a God who has a hope AND a future for me. This is a promise. 

Photo by: Michael Monroe

As I reflect on this past year, I am thankful to know that all the adversity and pain I experienced was to prepare me for something even greater in my future.  God has us molded by our trials to teach us things in preparation for the BIG purpose that He has for each of us.  I know that some big time changes are taking place in me, definitely for the better.  I plan on hitting the ground running Jan. 1, 2012 for whatever the world may throw at me.  After the VICTORY I had through finishing this year, there is nothing that can stand in my way. 

Photo by: Kimberly Millard
2012, I welcome you...

To God Be The Glory. 


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